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Get up close and personal with the Lui family by visiting their password protected blog. Send us a message to request for the password.
What's our biggest need and prayer request? Consistent monthly contributors and partners! Would you consider playing a part in sustaining GivingBackLife projects? We need you.
Here's a few pictures we've taken over the years. Regretfully, we aren't able to share too much here given the sensitivity of the work that is being done.
Has that peaked your interest?!
Check out the Lui Family Blog for much much more.
Vision & Mission:
Our vision is communities in China void of the most terrible poverty of all -- loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.
Our mission is to use our skills and giftings as tools for loving people, caring for the poor, sharing knowledge, and ultimately raising up local leaders with the capacity to invest in others.
Our Name:
"All our lives we receive love, compassion, lessons, wisdom and knowledge from those around us. Giving back is an occasion when we get to share what we have received with those around us. When we give, we also receive. It is the power of reciprocity. Embrace the gift of giving back." [Chicken Soup for the Soul, Stories for a Better World]
Our Team:
Christian Santoso (chairman)
Joan Santoso
Gwen Sloas
Paul Auclair (treasurer)
Adam Lenger (secretary)
Joey Chiang
Jonny Cue
Taylor Cue
Daniel Lui
Lily Hsu
What are the Lui's and GivingBackLife up to? Click and find out.
For privacy and security reasons, please do not share any of the blog images on any social platform. Thank you.
To our amazing partners:
With a grateful and humble heart, we would like to thank you for partnering with us, in our quest to see China transformed into a God-fearing and love-centered person at a time. This journey first started in 2008 on a Greyhound bus (long story...) in Brooklyn, New York, and we truly believe we would not be where we are today without your prayers, encouragements, and financial support all along the way! Thank you for loving on not only my family, but also loving on an amazing couple (Jonny and Taylor) that recently joined the GBL team as full-time workers, dedicating their lives to serving those in SW China. Thank you for understanding that we serve in a country that is considered "closed-access", which severely limits what and where we are able to (publicly) share. Thank you for knowing that you are a vital part of this GBL body and helping us help those in need!
As Mother Teresa once said, "Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
With appreciation,
Daniel Lui (founder & CEO) on behalf of the GBL team
P.S. Please fill out the provided form (by clicking here) if you are financially supporting Jonny and Taylor via a bank-to-bank fund transfer and would like to either continue your current financial gift or increase your current financial gift. Thank you!