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Jonny and Taylor's Financial Transfer Form

Please fill out the provided form if you are financially supporting Jonny and Taylor via a bank-to-bank fund transfer and would like to either continue your current gift or increase your current gift amount. Joining GivingBackLife will include a one-time migration to a different donor contribution system. We appreciate your patience with this process! We are excited to walk this journey together. Thank you for blessing and encouraging and loving on Jonny and Taylor!

Once the form is complete, please give us 48-72 hours to process the information. You will receive a donation statement that will include a link to safely and securely input your financial institution's account information. You can elect to save the information or you can elect to enter the information each time. 

Again, this form is only for bank-to-bank fund transfers. Click here if you would like to give securely via credit card. Please email with any questions or concerns. Again, thank you!

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(614) 592 2161


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Thanks for supporting Jonny and Taylor!

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